Nässjö Basket har glädjen att meddela att Jordi Juste idag har förlängt sitt kontrakt som headcoach med klubben. Utvecklingen efter att Jordi tog över laget vid årsskiftet har varit en av anledningarna till vårt val. Vi är övertygade om att Jordi kommer sätta sin egen prägel på laget och vi kommer få ett hårt arbetande, spelande lag som siktar på att revanschera årets tillkortakommande
Nässjö baskets ligagrupp
Jordi Justes kommenterar sitt kontrakt:
Im honored to be entrusted with the headcoaching position for the next season. I realize how lucky I am to be involved with that organization and its people because they have been able to see further than the results might explain since I took over the team on January. They value the effort, the hard work and the commitment to try our best until the end and I feel so happy to have the opportunity to build and coach the team since the beginning.
We have already started working on the upcoming season and the priority is looking to build a team, with the right players whom are willing to succeed, with hunger and desire to achieve great things. We are going to try to do our best for our people, our fans, we want them proud with what we are going to do. They are smart, they know who we are and they know what to expect from us. When they see their players, they realise immediately if they are committed or what they do or not so I feel we owe them something. Its time to looking forward and left behind the recent past season, learning from the mistakes of course, but with the strenght and ambition to come up playing good basketball."
Vi ser alla framemot en ny säsong 2018/2019!